confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

Lazy is my lifeblood

So I completely missed the boat on ACL tickets, just like I did for the 2005 show. Bye bye Muse, The Killers, Bloc Party, and the National.

Three-day passes are sold out and one-day passes will sell out on the 19th. Which sucks, because this year's show is probably the one that screams my name louder than any lineup possibly could. Four out of my statistically top-five bands are playing over the course of that fateful September weekend. I'm tempted to roll the dice and see if I can just show up for whichever day the National are playing. That would solve the complication of finding people to hang out with and a place to stay for three nights. And chances are that I'd get to see at least one of the other bands on my shortlist.

Or I could just not go.

Is ACL worth attending if just for one day? It's almost like masochism, teasing yourself with 12 hours of music when you could have seen 36 glorious hours worth of amazing performances and packed food lines. And of course, this all hinged on the the fact that you were too lazy to type in your credit card number and address on an easy-to-use website as soon as tickets came on sale.

Oh, well. Skipping a year will be fine, or going for one day and zero nights will be fine, too. We'll see in about a week.

1 comment:

augusta said...

don't miss it kyle. especially since it's some of your favorite bands and will be amazing. you should just go to austin with us and buy tickets that are being scalped at the entrance (that's what russ is doing). especially since a lot can change between now and september and people won't want to go anymore and will be selling their tickets.