confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

The bounceback

I feel completely incapable of writing anything worth reading as of late. The problem is that everyone else (or at least those who I keep up with, blogs or otherwise) is doing something moderately interesting with their summer. I'm not spending my summer in Europe, bragging about my lavish life and pouting about how I don't have any moisturizer. I'm not road tripping with a fun group of close friends, nor am I working a particularly interesting inner-city job.

So to everyone doing something moderately interesting with their summer-- fuck you. You're ruining my blog. I can't write when I feel uninteresting. It comes out sounding all emo and shit, then people think I'm all shut-in and nuts and they stop inviting me to hang out.

Maybe I should start acting outlandish and neurotic. Talk about money and adapt a wacky political stance. Get a self-diagnosed social disorder. Hey, it works for the popular blogs on LiveJournal.


ALR said...

haha i love you and i hope my plight can remind you that your summer could be much, much worse.

Lea said...

if lavish was about me, my life is actually pretty boring. and by boring, i mean i don't have any friends. and that makes for an exciting summer, let me tell you.