confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

Random notes to offset that nasty post below

A few thoughts that crossed my mind around 4:30 AM while I finished up a paper that, at this precise moment, I can't remember writing:

  • Up until this year I didn't have enemies. Either you knew me and liked me, you met me and didn't talk to me again, or you hadn't met me. This year is the first year of my life when I can lay back in bed and wonder if someone-- mind you, someone I know or used to know very well-- is gleefully dreaming of my violent demise. It's a disturbing thought. I don't get any thrill out of the attention or satisfaction when people are mad at me. It keeps me up at night sometimes, especially when I remind myself that I'm hardly blameless.
  • I'm fed up with throwing parties for people I don't know. The last straw came on Sunday afternoon when I discovered that someone had clogged both the sinks and the toilets in the lower 90's. Though the remedy was easy enough, it disgusts me to think that someone came into my suite, drank beer that my friends and I paid for, then proceeded to maliciously stuff toilet paper into every bathroom orifice. I guess it could be one of those people that hates me but-- honestly-- I don't know anyone past or present that would stoop that low.
  • Perhaps a sign that I'm "improving," I've had a few remarkable moments this past week in which I honestly think about what I'm about to say, decide that it's either insensitive or dumb or going to provoke an hour-long argument, and I refrain from saying it. That used to never happen. People are going to start wondering where the funny and cynical Kyle went.
  • Last week, Mikey and Melody were working on MECH homework-- something about sheer forces and all that mechanical engineering nonsense. Anyways, Melody goes to open a bag of oranges sitting on top of the fridge and says "how do you open this thing?" and I say...

    ...sheer force.

    Worst joke ever.

Class time. I want to talk to Tom Fontes sometime if he's still around.


ALR said...

I hope you know I pack a chainsaw, I'll skin your ass raw.

Anonymous said...

Kyle, I thought it was time for the annual reminder that I will get you back when you least expect it for hitting me in the balls in 8th grade.

Camilla Allimac said...