confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

A late-night confession that didn't make it

I wrote this little piece on my phone last night, resting in the most uncomfortable position one can possibly contort themselves into on a loveseat.

I need a Funday

I'm posting this from my phone because my roommmate is doing un-Christian things to Lea in my room. I hate Thursday nights. I basically do work all night and get done around 2am to find that my entire suite is drunk, someone if not several people are mad at me, and it's too late to have any fun myself. If there was a day of the week I didn't have to consciously experience, it'd be Thursday.

And looking back without the glimmer of spite I had at the moment, it's still true. I really do hate Thursday nights. Admitting defeat after I get back from finishing work, I usually just want to hit the hay and wake up and it finally be Friday. But the fact is that God, or Satan, or some vengeful deity has it out for me in spades and turns the 90s into a giant rap-riddled brothel at 2:01am. A rap-riddled brothel is no place to get good, healthy sleep.

Then comes the barrage of questions about where I was all night. I can guarantee it wasn't a fun place, and they know where I was, but drunk people love to make idle conversation. Especially when all I want to do is be drunk and have as much fun as everyone else. Meh.

The other sad part about all this is that come Friday morning, no one really has to own up to anything they said or did because, as the classic retort goes, "they were drunk." Things you say while drunk may not phase other drunk people, but they do phase the sober. And the sober tend to remember things. I will continue to contend that if you're not emotionally stable enough to present yourself in a respectful manner when drunk, you should probably stay out of my life. Well, maybe not my life, but stay out of my face for the night.

Because I hate rude people.

I know I came across spiteful and pithy up there but, fuck, I'm in a very weird mood right now. I think it's a culmination of getting no sleep, the yo-yo effect of cutting down on my tobacco intake, and just generally feeling left out of my group of friends right now. You know I'm in a weird mood when I'm actually writing about these sort of things on the Internet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


If it makes you feel any better, it's really nice weather outside.
