confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

And how are classes going, DOUCHE?

So glad you asked.

I was originally signed up for eighteen hours this semester because in all of Kyle's infinite wisdom he figured that he could actually handle that sort of work load. You know, because weekly problem sets in Intro to EE II, Waves and Photonics, and Intro to Computer Engineering on top of a total of twelve novels in my English distribution courses sounds like a great way to spend my time here at Rice. I guess I was a bit naive, though I tend to be dumb from time to time.

I'm totally dropping the harder of my two English classes and saving a pass-fail for next year. That'll drop me down to a paltry fifteen hours and still put me ahead of the game for the year. I'm so glad I took 17 hours last semester!

Steve Jobs pooped out the iPhone today
. As much as I hate Steve Jobs for popularizing the concept of being a douchebag about the technology you own, you have to admit that the iPhone is pretty damn sexy. My question would be, of course, why NO ONE THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE. Is it really that hard to shit out some existing technology built on a full-size touchscreen and gloss it over with shiny black plastic? Put me in a room with a pen and paper and tell me I can't leave until I come up with a genuinely original, money making piece of unique technology that will sell billions of units. It would honestly take me two hours.

Not that I think I'm smarter than, say, the entire staff at Microsoft which birthed an MP3 player based on buzzwords.

Let's see... let's see... what else...

Reality is really raining on the parade I had prepared for myself about this coming semester. Things have been going fairly well thus far but, dammit, a lot of things could be going a whole lot better. I'd love to talk more about my emotions on my blog but it's too popular and I import it into Facebook. This thing is for making people laugh and just slighting hinting at the fact that I am in fact a person with feelings.

It's sort of hard to take me seriously on here, anyway. If I said something like "I cried today" or "I have an honest fear that someone I live with might stab me in my sleep because I'm always an asshole," you wouldn't know whether I was joking or serious. I should probably start writing in my see-cret journal. It's got lots of hearts and ponies doodled in the margin.

Or maybe I'm just not playing enough Pokemon.

I can say, however, that I am in the middle of some very intense litigation with my former husband Ben Churchwell. You should poke him so I can win child custody. Just don't poke him too much: we're still in an open relationship.

Oh man, I totally forgot you could link pokes. I should take advantage of that more often... giggle giggle.

People say I look very, very dressed up when I put on the sweaters I got for Christmas. To them, I pass on this classic Weezer lyric.

If you want to destroy my sweater
hold this thread as I walk away

1 comment:

augusta said...

i'm not going to stab you in your least not anytime soon.