confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

This is great! The place is already decorated!

First things first:

Now, let's talk about how much I'm enjoying this break. I woke up at 3PM today but only because my mommy made me. Without a doubt, I am seriously pissing off the rest of my family that has to get up and be places by 9AM every day. I could reverse my sleep schedule completely at this point if anyone was willing to let me try. It's really great that I did one productive things today-- filling my car with washer fluid-- and yet I feel like the most accomplished person on the planet Earth.

Oh, you know what? I don't suppose I posted anything about what I got for Christmas. See, usually I'm in the boat that everyone else is in. You know the boat: no Christmas list, 20 gift cards under the tree, none of them ever spent by the time the next Christmas rolls around. I seriously have roughly $50 in Starbucks money that's been building up over the past three years. I guess people buy me Starbucks because they figure I'm trendy and I like chai tea lattes, in which case they would be right. But gift cards are about as practical for me as leaving your wallet on Jupiter. I just don't use them, or I forget, or I leave them in the asscrack of my desk for six months.

This year, I had a dream. And a list. A Christmas list. And because I think I floored my family with the gesture of even making a list, it was fulfilled as follows:

Figure (a)Figure (b)Figure (c)Figure (d)

As you can see, I did all right. There are a few semantic issues, though. I'm going to have to de-loft my bed back at Rice to put those two awesome prints up. I was planning on doing that anyway, especially since Louie said I could take the desk that's in there for my own use and throw out the other one.

But where will Louie put his computer? And where will my STUFF go? It's a quandary is what it is. Maybe me and Louie will push our beds together and do something extremely homo with our room. It's the only way I can put up my new favorite things.

Brent got my that there Wonder Showzen on DVD, as noted in (c). You know, that was a big item on this year's list because I've found that Wonder Showzen isn't really all that useful if it isn't portable and easy to use. Hooking my laptop up to the big TV every time I want to watch it is time consuming and not spontaneous and generally very, very difficult to do.

Yes, by the way, that IS Pokemon Emerald and a Game Boy Micro. The way I figure it, I forfeited all of my cool points somewhere months ago and I really have nothing to lose. So hey, why not play some daggum video games? The GBM is tiny, and will take the place of the cigarette packs I used to carry in my pocket come Jan. 1. Yeah, I'm trying to quit, but I'm not going to be all uppity about it.

Yes, I also got a fedora and some sweaters. Anyone who would peer into my wardrobe would comment that I have way too many shirts and not enough sweaters, but not anymore. Let's pray it dips below 80 in Houston sometime before the winter is over.

Pez is a staple of any holiday, if you ask me. They put heroin in it.

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