confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

The equivalent of Internet knuckle children

Damn son, this is some spicy tuna.

I've decided that some of my favorite times here at Rice are those walks alone to the RMC to pick up a late lunch. I can't quite describe why. It's almost always overcast and I'm usually hungover, seeing as I wasn't awake to grab a normal lunch. But I make the short walk over to the RMC and just take in everything around me. There's always people just like me walking to the same place. There's always an Asian girl who passes me who could be cute if she wasn't so skinny. There's always a professor who looks down on me as he zips by because he knows where I'm going and why.

And when I finally get to the RMC, I get my sadly expensive but oddly appetizing post-hangover meal: the first $5 sushi platter I lay my eyes on and a Monster energy drink. Most people would probably cringe at the thought of sushi after a night of drinking. To you people I say give it a try. It's actually really good.

I'm currently in the process of trying to set up a blog on the temporary APC site that I had set up at the beginning of the year. The problem is that either Blogger or RiceMail is being a total bitch and not sending out the invite e-mails to everyone in the 90's. And this is sufficiently pissing me off.

Does anyone know anything about budgeting time? I have like four take-home tests that need to be finished by the 20th and it's really, really hard to push myself to even start studying. I need a planner. Or a new brain. Mine's pickled.

More random thoughts:

  • Kudos to Russ and Mikey for filling my water jug full of Powerade. They don't make an industrial solvent thick or harsh enough to pull the blue tint and strange taste out of Rubbermaid plastic.
  • I woke up this morning, took in a big gulp of air from the common room, and wondered where we're hiding the dead body. Maids, please come and rescue me. I need a hero.
  • I can't decide if my insisting that 90's & Co. hang out with the freshman class is creepy or truly noble. They don't have the awesome seniors on the hall that we had last year, so I feel at least some compulsion to show them how fun Long Hall can really be. But sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who feels this way, and in the end I'm just going to come off as that creepy guy who hangs out with the kids who don't know better.
  • But the freshmen ARE fun people. And witty.
  • My room is really really really really really clean.
  • Eric is in the common room talking about "Sunday" and I totally lost track of the fact that it's Monday. If you needed more reasons as to why I'm not studying for my take-home finals yet... well, there you go.
  • I reached twenty-something pokes on my Facebook main page. It's getting a little re-god-damn-diculous but I only have myself to blame. If you haven't been poked yet, well, consider yourself lucky.


Anonymous said...

Extra-Strength Febreeze does wonders for dead bodies. Not that I would know.

Definitely noble of you guys to hang out with the freshman. If for nothing more than their entertainment. :)
No seriously, the hallways get lonely sometimes. I propose we build a bridge across the quad to make these midnight migrations easier.

Hm. The only way to start studying is to stop blogging and get off of facebook. Bahahahaha! Ohgod. That's a good one...

Actually, Febreeze might help with pickled brains or tainted water bottles as well. Don't know why, I just have great faith in mass market household cleaning products...

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