confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

Japanese-Brazilian Fusion. In Houston. I'm not kidding.

Every time I hear fusion food described in conjunction with the phrase "Next Big Thing," I sort of imagine rich, uncultured obese restaurant entrepreneurs throwing darts at a board of countries, trying to decide which two uncanny places to fuse to create the NEXT BIG THING.

Not that Brazil and Japan are all that incompatible, foodwise. I mean, both countries are traditionally known for their high-quality beef products (Kobe yum yum) and their... no, wait, that's basically it. Their native fruits&veges aren't exactly polar opposites; both cultures have explored both the sweet and the savory.

I guess I have a hard time imaginating exactly how the hell you blend the feel of traditional Japanese with the feel traditional Brazilian fare. And that's the problem I have with all these fusion restaurants popping up around Houston-- it seems like an attack on our perceived lack of cultural identity. It's as if we Houstonians are willing to call this ridiculous combination the NEXT BIG THING just because we don't have a solidified identity of our own in this city. Or because we're dumb, and we'll fall for anything.

I for one will probably succumb to our homogenized cultural overlords, who will be serving sushi churrascaria style and dashing table-to-table barefoot on a floor covered in edamame beans and plantain peels.

[Houston - Eating Our Words - Japanese-Brazilian Fusion the Next Big Thing?]

1 comment:

brent said...