confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition


I'm suffering from writer's dump.

See, I go through these magically prolific periods of writing-- usually during breaks from school, etc-- where I spit out like five moderate-length pieces of prose that make me moderately proud. Then I dry up like a librarian's poo-nanner and the words, opinions, and topics no longer come to me so easily. And finally I arrive here, back on the old CN, hammering away and trying to painfully rebuild whatever construct my mind requires to get back into the writin' mood.

I think I've actually written about this same topic recently. Oh well, fuck it, I'm trying to repeat history anyways and get back in the groove.

But now I have deadlines. While I'm wasting my time masturbating to Election '08 coverage and avoiding life outside my apartment, I told the Thresher opinions editor that I'd have another 750er out by next Tuesday. I don't want to write about the election (yet) unless it's overall commentary on, say, my own personal obsession. But that's self-involved and I'm trying to avoid that.

Did you know that was the best argument the the people back in Panama City could come up with regarding my Squall Line thing? That it was just a giant ego-boosting pill for some emo'd up, libertarian-hating college student? Gosh, you'd think these people would know me better than that.


I should make my article topic into some sort of contest. Like, KYLE'S TOPIC-A-THON. And if I pick the topic you suggest, I'll write you into my article! YEAH! Just like that contest I entered back when I was five to get drawn into an episode of Bobby's World!

Here's a few examples of things I would write about.

  • Election
  • Things that affect me or you at Rice
  • Things that should affect me or you at Rice but don't (sort of already did that one)
  • How the Rice Standard had a year to prove its worth, and failed
  • How the Rice Thresher needs to incorporate a few elements from the Standard to clinch that last 2% of the campus that seems unhappy
  • Why I hate libertarians
  • Why you should hate libertarians
  • Why I hate Ron Paul. Nevermind, too dangerous.
  • Why militant internet support for a candidate just makes them look crazy IRL
  • Who are these stupid looking people in my PHIL and RELI classes? They're too small to be athletes, but they sit at the back of the class and yell the stupidest shit. And they look at me with judgmental eyes and it makes me just want to Indian Chief them with a pillow while they sleep.
You know, things like that.

I feel like this contest is too self-involved, too. So I'll say this: I'll kindly take your suggestion and in return, you'll have my humble gratitude. I guess I can write you in, too.


Jbrd said...

Maybe the stupid people are golfers. Remember how small Kaz was?

Jbrd said...

Oh, and my ideas:
1) Why you're a libertarian in disguise ... or you could discuss right theorists vs. consequentialists and which ones you hate more.
2) Why Houston is/is not a cultural city.
3) Relate your own life and/or the lives of others to the indie music you so adore and discuss the definition and nature of "selling out" in both cases. Hahaha!

Jbrd said...

Oh, or discuss how Rice women have been rated C- and Rice men C in some recent campus report ... I would give 'em B- and B+ so I must really like nerds.