confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

I've gone introvert

It's been a over week, I know. I actually have four half-written posts sitting in the drafts purgatory. The funny this is that I get about halfway through writing something really funny for thought-provoking, then decide that the idea is stupid or that I'm not spending enough time crafting it into a feature worth reading. I've also tried twice to write a follow-up article for the Thresher only to discover that I'm not really mad about anything enough to warrant a 750-word feature. At least anything campus-wide.

I've hated parties lately. Why do I hate parties lately? Maybe it's the fact that I'm not running them. Maybe it's the certainty of knowing I'm going to be alone at the end of the night. Maybe it's not just being alone but watching everyone else be so damn happy while I'm not. It's all so tedious. You sit around for four hours grinding your teeth and making fake smiles into cameras, talking to the same six people over the course of the night and hoping that maybe someone put something pharmacological in the punch so you won't remember anything the next morning. Or maybe that's just me.

I've thought about NOD, and how I'm either skipping it altogether or... well, I don't know. Parties are starting to piss me off something awful. Parties are the dynamic I thrived on for two years at Rice and now I'm just about sick of them. NOD is the worst party for me in this sense. I can't dress up all naked like the rest of campus because I have the body of your decrepit old uncle, I'm not in the market to carry some drunk Asian girl back to my apartment at the end of the night, and the theme sucks this year. Plus a good number of my friends will be gone at Voodoo Music Fest. I might as well just sit at home and count the number of sharp objects I could use to go emo on my wrists.

No, no, Kyle. Don't talk about how parties make you mad. Parties make everyone else happy. Saying you hate parties is like personally insulting everyone who reads your blog for the off-chance that you'll connect with the one or two people in the world that might agree.

Fine. Bullet-points.

  • Heroes sure is awesome.
  • Weeds is getting a little weird for my taste.
  • But I'll still watch it.
  • My computer needs... I need a new computer.
  • Fuck you.
  • Fuck you.
  • You're cool.
  • Why am I in such a bad mood?


augusta said...

the parties do suck. agreed.
just drink a lot until you don't remember?

Jbrd said...

You know I've disliked 75% of parties for the past year and a half, so no need to send out a feeler of connection across the roach poisoned dance floor of society.

I have, however, enjoyed partying vastly more on average this year. Nothing like a cocktail of habitual reclusiveness and C17H18F3NO.

Anonymous said...

You deserve a break from parties. It's okay, every one gets disillusioned with them at some point.

ALR said...

i'm putting myself into the "you're cool" part so you don't get yelled at. also i dont know who anonymous is but that's basically what i was going to say. also you do not have the body of my decrepit old uncle, you have the body of my favorite bear. but in the interest of keeping you all to my 1000 miles away self i am ok with you not going to nod :P

Anonymous said...

kyle, you're upset because i didn't meet the 11th president of india with you. i won't let it happen again.


figure out my fucking p/w would you?