confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

Put away your winter clothes!

For the two people who read this blog that don't live in either Houston, TX or Panama City, FL, I hope you feel intense tinges of jealousy raping every pore of your body right now. That's right-- spring has arrived! It's the two weeks of the year where Houston isn't a cloudy, sad mess or a minefield of spontaneous combustion zones in the midst of triple-digit temperatures.

I'm not usually so excited about the weather because, as you know, I'm not one to creep out of my cave for more than twenty minutes of any given day. This year is different, though. I feel this intense invisible hand lifting me up by my taint and throwing me into good spirits due to the coming of spring. Maybe it's the pollen fucking with my brain. It's sure as hell fucking with my allergies.

My mommy came into town this past weekend. I giggled with the excitement of several Japanese schoolgirls as she took me out to my favorite restaurants in Houston, namely Benjy's, Chuy's, and PF Chang's. It's weird that my favorite places to eat are all possessive proper nouns, as a certain English major pointed out to me. But honestly, they are the best places to eat in this wonderful culture-struggling Texas town. We also went to the Galleria and she let me go crazy in Urban Outfitters, which really made me feel like the indie college kid I am on the inside.

While my mom was visiting, though, things were amiss back in Panama City. My poor brother peeked outside one morning to find that my cat Katie-- the one I've had since I was five-- was dead. Then he had to throw her in a bag and bury her in the backyard. I miss my cat but I feel about twenty times worse about Brent having to handle that situation by himself.

My and my mom talked about my living situation for next year as well. Barring a miracle situation that presents itself in the next couple weeks, I'll be living in a single at the Esplanade down the hall from my other friends who currently live there. We both know I'm responsible and sane enough to live by myself. I guess the real question is if I want to live by myself. It would be quite a change-- going from Long Hall my freshman year to the 90's my sophomore year to living both off campus and by myself.

But I think that's the change I want. I want to have nice things that won't be broken all the time. I want a place to take a girl that won't smell of filth and body odor. I want a place to be proud of while, at the same time, keeping close proximity to friends I can hang out with. If Louie, Sean, Johan, Allen, etc. are all down the hall from me then I really don't have anything to complain about. I have company when I want it and privacy when I need it.

Keep your ears open. Once I have my spring break plans solidified, I'll post about them. And my job plans. Two words, though. And by two words I mean two bands...


1 comment:

augusta said...

YAY SPRING!!!! And more importantly, yay spring break.