confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

We can thank Jon Stewart for this one

Let's get today's topic of discussion out on the floor like a bad dance move.

A Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll of Americans age 18 to 24 found Bush's approval rating was 20 percent, with 53 percent disapproving and 28 percent with no opinion. That compares to a 40 percent approval rating among Americans of all ages in a separate Bloomberg/Times poll.
Perhaps more amusing than the fact that this is news to anyone is the slew of typical partisan five-year-oldery on Digg. Anyone who has taken a step out of their house and onto a true college campus would tell you that, duh, kids are liberal. And less surprising than the fact that kids are liberal is the fact that kids hate W. I mean, haven't you heard that new Anti-Flag song? Dawg, it's ill.

Even if it's not news it still makes me happy that today's youth, as a whole, are against the guy. It says a lot about the future of the country: maybe my demographic isn't as retarded as I have always assumed it to be. Maybe there's a chance that at least some inch of liberalism will carry over twenty years from now where, possibly, people will be moderate and level-headed voters.

Or, you know, candy corn will blow out of my ass and propel me to the moon.

Let's be real: Vietnam went on for years and turned a vast majority of youth in American into acid-touting hippies. And now those same youth have grown up, nestled into McMansions, and thrown yellow ribbons on the backs of their Escalades. This generation doesn't even possess an iota of the liberal attitude of yesteryear and yet somehow "experts" expect that the American of the future will vote liberal? Stop. Snorting. Glue.

The only way that liberals will ever pull a stronghold over America again is a complete retooling that will force American youth to hold on to their liberal values through their 30's. And that'll happen when Barrack Obama rides a flying car that runs on turds through my bedroom window and invites me to fly with him to Never Never Land.

God, it sucks being a pessimist.

But hey, in other news, Michael Moore doesn't like movies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only way that liberals will ever pull a stronghold over America again is a complete retooling...

Retooling? I think we need DE-tooling.