confused nation
gettin' famous
on the internets
since 2001
2009 print edition

The More Things Change...

...the more they stay the same. Or something like that.

So I guess I owe everyone a little bit of an explaination as to why, suddenly, CN was replaced by an emo and wrathful "fuck you" to the world. And why I've stripped the site down to being a just-me blog for now. Think about it from my perspective: for the first three years of your high school life you lived a dull, pretentious existance and you documented it on the Interweb for everyone to see. Do you really want to go into your second year of college dragging behind you a big, stupid shadow of a life that you now renounce?

Yeah, and I don't either. And that's why the milk video, every little stupid high school project, the pictures of my pimple-faced friends, the essay on why Tim could get poon back in 10th grade, and everything else is gone with the wind.

I'm moving on to a better place-- a more Web 2.0, instant gratification kind of place where I can spill my guts about serious things without having 80% of my visiting traffic be 12-year-olds searching for the word "asshat." Have I lost my sense of humor? No. But it's kind of hard to be yourself when you're ammending your thoughts to a backlog of immature bullshit. I don't totally regret the person I was in high school, nor do I regret the friendships or the fun I had. The posters, the people who loved CN five years ago, friends... I can't tell you how great it was to be part of something that, I felt, was big.

So you've got to understand that in order for CN to exist at all I had to sweep out the high school me and make a throne for the college me. I think you'll still like it.

Oh yeah, and no one else can post besides me, for now. The only people I think I would ever consider letting post on here again, besides me, would be Matt and Roy. Every time Matt gets drunk he laments about wanting to post more. God knows he has stories to tell. And Roy actually has stories that don't revolve around a high BAC, along with being the most level-headed person I know. I think we need more of that, maybe.

So welcome back to the not-so-redone but still different Confused Nation. It's a blog.